Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Couple of Great Days.

Last Sunday, we celebrated my son's Bar Mitzvah, and it was a wonderful day for our family. My son led the entire service, read all of the Torah portions, and led the entire community in the Hallel. It was a great advertisement for Kadima, and how a Jewish private school education--along with participation in synagogue and Camp Ramah--can help create a Jewish neshama. We were all extremely proud of Avi.

Yesterday, I started the morning by attending a celebration at Kadima wherein we dedicated the school's Torah in memory of Annalee Kaplan. The Kaplan family was there, and they saw our elementary school doven their morning prayers and sing with gusto; more importantly, they saw how their gift to the school will help our students continue their love of Torah and Jewish life. Perhaps even more importantly, the kids saw the importance of tzedakah, and how by giving charity and performing acts of kindness we can honor those whom we love.

Last evening, I attend Kadima's graduation of our eighth graders. Some of these students have been with us for a decade, and one family has put four kids in the school, and for the first time in 17 years will not be a Kadima family. The graduates were terrific; they clearly are close with each other and understand the importance of community.

And of course, on Monday, we had an Executive Committee meeting, followed by a four hour Board meeting.

It's been an exhausting, but uplifting, few days.

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