Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seeing the Fruits of a Jewish Day School Education.

The other day, my son and I were looking at his Facebook page and we noticed that he is communicating with Kadima's partners at the ORT Singlovsky school in Tel Aviv. The Israelis send messages in English and Hebrew; my son writes to them largely in Hebrew. He showed me how he switches the keyboard to a Hebrew one, and then he can write message in Hebrew.

Ten years at Kadima and he can have written conversations in Hebrew.

He doesn't know it, yet, but this fluency in Hebrew will, in the future, permit him to explore Judaism in a direct way that I--who is not fluent in Hebrew--cannot. At some point in his life, he will be able to analyze texts, including the Torah, in the original language and not have to worry about another translator's bias.

He is also, of course, creating a direct connection to Israelis in their own language.

This is what going to Jewish day school is all about.

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