Juliet: What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
Romeo and Juliet, (II, ii, 1-2).
Although Juliet argued that names were not important, her fate, along with poor Romeo's, showed that, unfortunately, they are. Names can define institutions. Sometimes people will not even look at a school because the name creates a negative preconception.
So it is with Kadima Hebrew Academy. Last night, the Board reviewed a recommendation from our Admissions Directors (Michelle Starkman and Karen Pery--who are absolutely excellent directors) asking the Board to consider modifying the school's name. The Admissions staff pointed out that the phrase Hebrew Academy often leads people to believe that we are an Orthodox school when we are not; unfortunately, these same people will not even come visit us because of their incorrect perception.
This led to the Board's first substantive discussion of the year. While the Board could have voted to adopt some of the proffered choices (i.e., Kadima Day School, Kadima Academy, Kadima Jewish Day School)--there was no discussion about removing the name Kadima--the Board decided to send the issue to the Marketing Committee for further analysis and discussion, and to obtain the Committee' s recommendation. It was a great discussion (no yelling) and great example of good board practice: a question was debated, and the decision reached (unanimously) to have the Marketing Committee look at it and then send it back to the Board for a final decision.
The discussion revealed two essential points: Kadima will remain Kadima. But what comes after that most important title may change. Or it may not. We shall see.
It was a wonderful meeting. We discharged our old Board. We honored Shawn Evenhaim for his four years of incredible service and commitment to the school (presenting him with a Shofar as a token of appreciation, and pointing out that he often has been a Shofar for Kadima, urging us forward toward success). Next, Rabbi Vogel installed the new Board and urged us forward toward success.
After the ceremonies, we heard detailed reports from our Vice Presidents and the PTO, and there were a variety of questions and answers. And then we discussed the name.
It was an excellent meeting.
We have an excellent group of leaders on the Board; I am honored to serve with them.
Shana Tova!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
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